How to Propagate Philodendron Xanadu [Stem Cutting & Root Division] [!EXPLAINED]
Philodendron Xanadu propagation is not a very hard job. Do you have an old philodendron Xanadu and want to make multiple from your old one? Yes, you’re in the right place.
Philodendron Xanadu is a wonderful and easy-growing houseplant. It is also known as “Winterbourn”. It can be an outstanding welcome addition to your home.
Xanadu is a low-maintenance plant. It can grow in less space and require ample light. Direct sunlight is not required for Xanadu propagation. But this beautiful plant is poisonous so you have to keep it away from your pet.

Philodendron Xanadu Overview
Scientific name | Thaumatophyllum xanadu |
Common name | Philodendron Xanadu, Winterbourn |
Family | Araceae |
Genus | Philodendron |
Origin | Brazil |
Mature height | 4 to 5 feet |
Mature width | 5 feet |
Leaf color | Shiny green or deep green |
Flower color | White |
Light | Bright, indirect light |
Soil | Well-drained, moist soil |
water | When the top portion of soil dries out |
Temperature | 65 to 85 F |
propagation | By division or stem cutting |
What is Propagation?
In the plant world, the word ‘propagation’ simply refers to the “process of plant breeding”. It has many other different meanings. Propagation means that creating a new plant from the old parent plant. You can make multiple plants from one parent plant.
If you don’t want to buy a new plant then it is a better option for you to propagate your plant. But sometimes propagating can be difficult for some plants. For philodendron Xanadu, it is quite simple to propagate.
How to Propagate Philodendron Xanadu?
Philodendron Xanadu can be propagated by root division or stem cutting. In root division, the plant needs to be divided into two or more parts. Every part must include a root. Then repot it in a small pot with rich nutritious soil. In Stem Cutting, the young stem is to be cut above a leaf and remove the leaves from the stem. Then repot the stem into the new pot.
The detailed propagation process will be discussed below.
Though Xanadu propagation has a simple method like division, sometimes it becomes quite hard because of its roots. But you should definitely try it because we admit that everything is possible in gardening.
How Do I Know if my Xanadu is Ready to Propagate?
The philodendron Xanadu plant is a very fast-growing plant. It becomes too large when it is older. You will find the pot becomes smaller for the large Xanadu plant. Then you need to repot it by dividing the plant into two or more parts or by cutting the stems. Or you have to repot it into a new larger pot. This is the time when Xanadu is fully ready to propagate.

The original plant should be healthy and not damaged. It is very important for ensuring the propagation works. Also, the plants should leave some leaves.
To propagate properly the plant needs green parts because they exploit sunlight and give energy to the plant. This is very important for the proper of a Xanadu plant.
Preparing for propagation – make sure it has:
Adequate Amount of Sunlight
A Philodendron Xanadu plant likes a proper amount of sunlight. It needs an adequate amount of indirect light but it burns in direct sunlight. Xanadu requires more light than other relative varieties to grow properly. So it is must to be careful about the sunlight.
Morning or early evening sunlight is tolerable for this plant. Over exposing the leaves to bright light causes them to become pale or discolored.
Before trying to propagate the Xanadu plant you should let the plant adopt the place in the house. Sometimes it may not be a perfect spot and the plant may struggle for surviving.
The plant must be mature and deep green before you think of starting propagation. If leaves are not healthy, green and look yellow or wrinkled then propagation can’t give you good results.
The Perfect Soil
Xanadu requires a well-drained potting mix, loose soil with high organic matter. A light and open soil is a must for making the proper watering easier.
The right soil which must be nutritious and well-drained helps the plant enough to survive the full propagation method. If a plant doesn’t grow in nutritious soil then it will be very unhealthy and cannot get a good result after propagating the plant.
You can try this organic potting mix.
Xanadu cannot survive in a waterlogged place. So it must be ensured that the soil is well-draining. Otherwise, the plant cannot absorb the needed nutrients to grow properly.
So before starting the thinking of propagation it must be ensured that the parent plant is in the right soil mix.
Gentle Watering
As your Xanadu plant is a low-maintenance plant it doesn’t need watering every day. It is the trickiest part. The Xanadu requires moist soil but cannot survive in waterlogged soil.
So, frequent watering is needed for the good growth of Xanadu. When the top parts of the soil become dry only then water your Xanadu plant. It may take around one week to reach at this point.
If the plant gets gentle watering then it will give a good result after propagation.
This is a good indication that Xanadu needs propagation when the plant shows various signs of becoming root-bound. It means roots are becoming dense, tangled masses that have very little space or there is no space for further growth. At that time Xanadu is prepared for propagation.
Actually, the Xanadu plant doesn’t need repotting frequently. But when root-bound happens it needs repotting. Instead of repotting the old Xanadu plant, it is better to divide the plant through root division and then repot each part.
What do I need to propagate a Xanadu?
To propagate your philodendron Xanadu properly, you need a few things. Here we discuss the propagation kits for Philodendron Xanadu.
Sharp Knife
To propagate Philodendron Xanadu firstly we need a sharp knife or any type of shears or scissors. The knife must be very sharp so that it can make a very clean cut. Because this is very important to get a clean cut so that the parent plant does not get damaged.
A sharp knife is used in cutting the root clumps or cutting the stem. Also, you have to slice up the roots by using a scissor.
A safe and dry space
In every method, you need a safe and dry space because the separated plant or leaves need a safe and dry space to be left. Also, you have to cut the plant in a place that is safe and doesn’t make any harm to the original plant. And it also should be a dry place.
A safe and dry place makes the area hard which is cut and for this, it can be repotted easily and can grow its roots.
A glass of water
You need a glass of water while you are using the stem cutting method. It is not needed for the root division method.
In the stem cutting method, after cutting the stem it has to be placed in a glass of water for two to three weeks. The stem gets roots here. Then the stem is repotted into a new pot.
A new pot
A propagated Xanadu plant will need a new pot like the mature one. The pot should contain a hole because Xanadu can’t survive in waterlogged or soggy areas. Also, there should be well-drained, nutrient soil in the new pot.
In a new pot, the new propagated Xanadu plant will grow consistently. It should be given indirect sunlight when the leaf started to grow and frequent watering is also required.
How to Propagate Philodendron Xanadu?
Now it’s time to discuss about Philodendron Xanadu propagation. Here the methods of Xanadu propagation are given below-
There are two methods of Philodendron Xanadu propagation. They are-
- Through root division
- Stem Cutting
Before starting the discussion about the propagation method it is important to give you a note that this is illegal to propagate the Xanadu plant for selling purpose. You can only propagate your Xanadu for personal collection.
Now we will discuss about the details of these two methods.
Propagate Philodendron Xanadu Through Root Division
This is the most common method for Xanadu propagation. Spring is the best time for the division of roots when it needs repotting.
Xanadu grows very fast and becomes too big for its pot. At that time, it needs propagation by root division. Before dividing the roots the plant should be watered thoroughly for giving liveliness to the roots.
Here, step by step process of division is given –
1. Separating the Plant from the Pot

Firstly we have to separate the plant from the existing pot. Gently remove the soil from the root of the plant. In this step, we have to be careful about the roots. Roots should not be hampered when removing the soil.
You can use water for removing the soil from the roots. Immerse the plant in a bucket of water for 15 to 20 minutes. In this way, the soil will be removed easily and roots will not be hampered.
2. Find a Separation Point

After removing the soil from the roots now it’s time to look for the point of separation between clumps. When the plant is mature it produces many stems. They should not be reduced rather they should be kept in groups. It gives a fuller result. There are root balls that become entwined heavily so they might be sliced up.
3. Dividing the Root Clump

Now it’s time to divide the plant into one or more parts. We should gently divide the plant’s root clump with a sharp knife. It could be quite hard. You can use a sterile blade for diving the plant if it seems too entwined.
Try to be very gentle when dividing the plant. You have to be very careful about every divided part that must carry roots.
4. Repot Each Part of Xanadu

You can now repot every part of the plant into new appropriately sized containers. Here you have to use well-drained soil in each pot. Every part should be planted at the same depth as before. Don’t plant them very deeply rather plant them as the white parts of the stem are covered.
5. Water the Plant

Now the newly planted Xanadu should be watered so that the soil mix can be settled around their roots. You should be very careful with watering so that they can recover properly.
The root division method is too simple and easy. By following these steps you can easily grow more Xanadu from one parent plant which can be the masterpiece of your home.
Propagation of Philodendron Xanadu through Stem Cutting
Stem cutting is more difficult than the root division method for Xanadu propagation. Because Philodendron Xanadu is a less moisture-resistant plant. But I hope after seeing the step-by-step method which we will discuss below, it will be easy for you to propagate Xanadu by the stem cutting method.
1. Cut a Stem

At first, we have to cut a piece of a young stem. And the stem should be about 3 to 6 inches long. For cutting the stem you can use a sharp knife. Cut the stem exactly above the leaf.
2. Remove the Leaves

Now what we have to do is that all the lower leaves are to be removed from the stem. Only two or three top leaves can be kept. And now the stem is ready to grow roots.
3. Place the Stem into Water

After removing the leaves from the stem, it’s time to place the stem in a glass of water. Here the stem gets roots and it takes two to three weeks to grow roots. Then it will be ready for potting in a container.
Also, you can directly place the stem in the soil. It can also grow roots in the soil in a sunny place. But be careful in using water. Water should be changed consistently to keep the stem fresh. Water that doesn’t bear chlorine or chloramine should be used.
4. Making Your Pot Ready

When the stem is getting roots, at that time you need to make your pot ready. The pot should be properly sized. In the beginning, you need a small pot for planting the stem. Make sure that you are using well-drained organic soil in the pot. Also, the pot should have a drainage hole.
5. Plant your Cutting

Ok. Now your stem is completely ready to plant in the pot. It is an easy job. But be careful when planting. Don’t push the stem into the soil. It can create trauma to the cutting.
Just make a hole in the potting soil with your finger. Enter your full finger into the soil and make a deep hole. Then place the Xanadu stem in it and gently pack the soil around it. Packing the soil around the stem can keep the stem upright. You should keep the soil damp and keep moisture in it.
6. Set the Pot

Now set the new pot in a place with bright indirect light and in a warm place. Water it properly. Don’t water too much. It can’t survive in a waterlogged area. Only water the plant when required.
You are completely done. Now, wait for getting a new amazing Xanadu plant from your stem cutting. Take care of it as before. It will be an attractive addition to your living room.
Which Propagation Method is Suitable for Me?
I think after reading the above process you can clearly understand both of the methods. Still, a question may arise in your mind that which method is suitable for you. Here’s an easy solution.
The easiest method is obviously the root division method. You can use this one.
But while the plant is not so large to transfer in another pot then, stem cutting is the suitable process.
So, the decision is yours.
Final Thought
Philodendron Xanadu is a very attractive and satisfying plant to your home garden. Their outstanding look increases the beauty of your living room. It is much easier to propagate the Xanadu plant. And you can propagate it yourself in your home easily.
It needs very few tools and efforts to propagate a Xanadu plant. Just make sure that you have a mature, healthy Xanadu plant and the right tools. Then you can easily multiply your favorite Xanadu plant by the process given above and enrich your home garden.
So, why not propagate your Xanadu plant and increase the number?
But one thing you have to remember is that Xanadu is a little bit poisonous plant not too much. So it should not be consumed. And it has dual nature. You can plant Xanadu both indoors and outdoors.
So, propagating the Xanadu plant can enrich your living room and also your outdoor garden. Follow the steps given above and easily propagate your favorite Xanadu for increasing the beauty of your house.
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