Pothos Varieties: 25 Pothos Types with pictures & details
Do you want to decorate your room with colorful pothos varieties? Then, you are absolutely at the right place because today I am gonna give you some information about this plant species.
Pothos is a very charming species that may provide you with various kinds of foliages. Rarely does its flower blooming surprise you. Else some weird varieties will astonish you.
This can be anticipated that you may get a lot of knowledge about these varieties, how to care for them, which is the rare or commonly found species, the difference between pothos and philodendron and much other information about them.
So scroll down below and choose your preferred one to be placed as your house plant.
What is a Pothos?
Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a species that includes houseplants. It can be called by many other names like ivy arum, silver vine etc. You may be astonished to know that this plant has gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit.
Family: Pothos is a species under the family of Araceae and order Alismatales.
Plant Size: The varieties may be of large or small plant sizes, but they are most well-known because of their adorable plant leaves colors.
Flower: Pothos normally doesn’t bloom. But with the use of artificial hormones, it can be possible.
Foliage: The foilage part is the main attraction of this plant. Different varieties include different colors which will help you to decorate your room with a great view.
Root: Pothos plants include the aerial root.
Propagation: The propagation system of pothos plants is by stem cutting or root cutting. But stem cutting is more appreciable for this term.
Place to keep: Pothos plants can be well adjusted in the hanging baskets or pots on the indoor sides. Again, it can be well grown in the garden as large or giant plant size.

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How Many Types of Pothos are There?
Plant diversity is a continuous process. Every day we are having different kinds of new plant species and varieties. Pothos(Epipremnum aureum) is an enriched species with almost 38 varieties. But there are some confusions in this case as some other species are like satin pothos, treubii pothos etc. are from another species but included in this family. But the varieties are almost around 38.
25 Amazing Pothos Varieties You’ll Love
Here’s the example of 25 amazing varieties of Pothos plants with their pictures and details. Hope you will enjoy this as a plant parent.
1. Golden Pothos

Plant type
Ceylon creeper, ivy arum or hunter’s robe- you can define it by many names. But all over, it is a sign of supreme beauty.
Sometimes it is called a money plant in the Indian subcontinent. It is the most common species of pothos.
This is a plant of tropical and subtropical areas. It is almost 20m in height. The stems are up to 4 cm in breadth. They have aerial roots.
The green leaves with lemonade strips are the main point of attraction of this golden pothos. Such as the leaves are painted with a yellow brush in an emerald green color plot.
The flowering history is one of the rarest in the plant world. It was 1964 when golden pothos hold a record of flowering naturally.
This plant doesn’t require much care. You can cultivate it as a room plant as it can tolerate shady places too.
2. Marble Queen Pothos
Plant type
Do you want a whitish beauty placed in your room? Then, marble pothos can be your perfect choice in this case.
Marble Queen pothos is another form of pothos that is not so rare. You can find this easily in your nearby garden stationary. If proper facilities are provided, these plants can have a large size.
As marble queen pothos lack chlorophyll gathering, its leaves are of two colors- white and green. The color percentage maybe 50-50 for these two colors. But this variation must enhance the beauty of your corner side.
These plants need moderate caring. Watering much is harmful to marble queen pothos. You should keep the soil dry and the temperature between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
It will need a humidity of 40-60% to grow well. But keep this in mind to place the plant in that place where it may gain proper sunlight. It doesn’t tolerate a fully shady place. A moderate amount of sunlight is mandatory for the development of your marble queen pothos.
3. Neon Pothos

Plant type
The other name of heart-shaped love is neon pothos. You will be mesmerized to see the beauty of this pothos plant.
On the other hand, it will give you immense pleasure with its gentle color. A neon pothos tree can grow almost 18-22 inches per month if you provide proper care. So, you need not wait too much for its growth.
Neon pothos expresses a gentle green color. The color has an extra glow itself. This pothos should be given medals for their charming sight.
At the young stage, it may exhibit a light color. But mature stages will show a neon green color which is much adorable.
Well, if you want the proper growth of your plant, you have to confirm its requirements. It is from a tropical region, so you need to provide a temperature around 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Humidity 70% and direct sunlight are necessary for neon pothos but scorching heat should be prohibited.
4. Variegated Neon Pothos

Confusion may be created in the case of neon pothos and variegated neon pothos. The characteristics of these two plants are almost the same. They require the same type of environment and so on. The only difference that you can make is their leaves. As this is a rare plant, you should know about this one.
The leaves of variegated neon pothos are yellowish. The neon pothos exhibit a gentle neon green color. But you will have a strong yellowish structure in the leaves of variegated neon pothos. This is the point where you can have the differences between them.
5. Jessenia Pothos

Plant size
The plant size of a jessenia pothos maybe 30 feet in outdoor plants and almost 10 feet in indoor plants.
The heart-shaped leaves of jessenia pothos with a lime green color will attract you more.
Jessenia pothos doesn’t include flowering in its life cycle. So it has no blooming.
70-90 degrees Fahrenheit is appropriate for jessenia pothos. It can tolerate different kinds of light levels but again the same matter comes here and that is to avoid the scorching heat. The dryness of the air also matters here. But don’t overwater it.
6. Manjula Pothos

The most interesting matter of this manjula pothos is you can’t reproduce this plant again and again. The University of Florida has the patent of producing manjula pothos as this variety is introduced by them. You have no allowance to produce it. It may be called the jewel of the pothos family.
The leaves are a little strange. Whitish color will be shown in the dark green plot. But there remains a curve on these heart-shaped leaves. But the peculiar size will attract you. Silver green, dark to light green and white color Manjula pothos is your perfect houseplant.
Requirement of light
The light combination is a serious issue for this factor. Direct sunlight may affect the color of pothos. So smooth indirect but proper light should be supplied.
7. Pearls and Jade Pothos
Plant type
If you want to go for one of the most elegant pothos varieties, you must consider pearls and jade pothos. This plant has enriched the variety list of pothos.
The leaves are of supreme beauty in this plant type. The white cream color and green portions add new life to this pothos family. Proper sunlight makes this color more vigorous.
The shape must be included with great importance because of the butterfly wings.
8. Silver Satin Pothos

Plant type
The scientific name of satin pothos is Scindapsus pictus. So you can easily understand that satin pothos doesn’t belong to the normal pothos species. But still, it has a significant role in pothos.
The leaves are of green and white color. The color combination will enchant you completely. The dark green color will express its superiority.
Satin pothos includes the beauty of blooming. You will be puzzled to see the tropical fruit like the flowers of satin pothos.
9. N-Joy Pothos

Plant type
N-Joy plants are new members of this pothos family. But meanwhile, it has gained extra attention from the garden-lovers. It is a rare pothos plant.
The N-joy plant leaves exhibit two colors. One of them is white and another is blue. Light factors affect the leaf color. Because of light, it may turn from pale green to dark green.
10. Cebu Blue Pothos

Plant type
Cebu blue plants are not of Epipremneum aureum species. This is a variety of completely another species and that is Epipremnum pinnatum. But still, it is welcomed in the pothos family. It is a fast-growing plant.
Cebu blue leaves are almost arrow-shaped. They have dark bluish-green colored leaves which exhibit the beautiful style of that pothos plant.
11. Hawaiian Golden Pothos

Plant type
Hawaiian pothos is similar to golden pothos. It can be called a variegated form of golden pothos but has some specialties. They can grow almost 18″ that will help you to decorate your room.
Yellow strips are just the love of Hawaiian golden pothos.
50% dry soil is mandatory for the growth of Hawaiian pothos. Again, proper sunlight but not direct sunlight is applicable for its development.
12. Treubii Pothos

Plant type
We have already known about the guest plant species Scindapsus pictus. Trebi pothos is another version or variety of this pothos. Though it belongs to another species, it is well known as the pothos plant.
Trebi pothos adds a new color pattern in this sector and that is silver-green. The heart shape and silvery glance will stop you to look at it again and again. The perfect indirect sunlight will help to retain this format.
13. Glacier Pothos

Plant type
Many of us want to decorate her table or room corner with many small houseplants. Glacier pothos will be a perfect material for them. The plant size is not so large. So you can easily decorate your table or any side.
The leaves of glacier pothos have some extra specialties. The cream white color with a gentle green base will give you mental peace along with immense happiness.
Caring is necessary for this plant for its growth and beauty. You must be careful of light variation. High intensity is not required for it.
Pruning should be done properly and regularly so that the plant can have a beautiful shape.
14. Snow Queen Pothos

Plant type
Would you like to go for a more bright combination in pothos that looks alike marble queen? Then your answer will be snow queen pothos. Yeah! This is the variegated form of marble queen.
You may become confused to differentiate between snow queen and marble queen. But the more whitish glow will help you to pick up this one.
The leaves are moderately the same as the marble queen. But the bright color will only make the difference. You may find that the growth of this plant is slow because of the variegated leaves that lack chlorophyll.
15. Harlequin Pothos

Plant type
Harlequin pothos will lead you to the manjula pothos. But surely harlequin will retain some differences. Harlequin may be the rarest pothos plant. The characteristics are almost the same as Manjula pothos.
The leaf type is the main point to identify this leaf properly. The twisting curves are so gentle to refresh you. The abundance of more white color will make your mind pure.
16. Global Green Pothos

Plant type
Global green pothos is not so large but maybe an attraction point at your working table. The plant size is not so large. That’s why it may be easily adjusted at any corner of the room.
This type of pothos must have extra attention for its beautiful combination of dark green and light green. How pretty it is! It seems to be new tender leaves are borne from a dark green portion of the leaf.
17. Green Queen or Jade Pothos
Plant type
Another type is related to golden pothos but different in color harmony. Yeah! This is the jade pothos. Small growing plants of jade pothos may be an enriched material for your decorating purpose.
The name “Green queen” expresses the color of the leaves. It has dark green foliage without strips or twisting of any other colors. It has no variegated type.
18. Emerald Pothos

Plant type
Emerald pothos variety is preferable for its color to use as an indoor plant. Its mature height is 6-8 inches and its mature width is 18+ inches.
The shiny leaves are the characteristics of emerald pothos. The plant is variegated with green.
Emerald pothos needs bright sunlight. Slightly moist soil is preferable. You can easily grow it in a hanging basket.
19. Reverted Manjula Pothos

Plant type
It is one of the rarest plant types of pothos. You may mix Manjula with reverted Manjula as they are supposed to be almost the same.
The heart shape with supreme green color makes one’s whole day beautiful. The green leaves have a glassy look which exhibits the main attraction.
20. Skeleton Key Pothos

Plant type
Well, this time a new shape will appear in front of you and that is skeleton key pothos. This is completely a different shape which creates a different interest.
This is an evergreen plant. Dark green appearance with a skeleton-like shape is an outstanding creature.
Flowering is seen in skeleton key pothos. Cream-colored Flower will bloom to decorate your pothos plant.
21. White Variegated Pothos

Plant type
White variegated pothos is bred of marble pothos. But this type has some extraordinary outlook. The plant type almost reflects marble pothos. But you have to find out the difference in the leaves.
The leaf size is heart-shaped with a beautiful color combination of gentle green and white. The white has an extreme reflect that would be the best part of white variegated pothos.
White variegated pothos needs moderate care. This plant needs little fertilizers to grow well in a friendly environment. 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit is a suitable temperature for it. Brighter light support and appropriate watering can give you adorable white variegated pothos.
22. Godzilla Pothos

Plant type
This type of plant exhibits a different type of texture and structure. These plants are very slow-growing and not so large. The vines are of a strange type.
The leaves are of a very weird type. The leaves are dark green but the margins are twisted. The inner parts are almost covered under the margin.
23. Shangri La Pothos

Plant type
This pothos is a breed of golden pothos. This is an evergreen perennial plant. This type of pothos also exhibits a different kind of structure. It needs almost 5 years to reach maturity. The maximum height for Shangri La is 3m.
We can have some curled leaves in the case of Shangri La pothos. The leaves are completely green or dark green and oval-shaped. But they are twisted.
Stem cutting can be the propagation system of Shangri La pothos.
24. Super White Marble Queen Pothos

Plant type
Super White marble queen pothos may be confused with different kinds of marble pothos as these are almost the same. A little number of differences may be found in the case of leaves. Otherwise, the other characteristics of Snow queen, Snow white, marble queen etc. are almost the same.
The only factor to point out in this pothos is the color of the leaf. The leaves are well organized with a combination of white and green. But the white color is brighter in this plant type.
25. Green Dragon Pothos

Plant type
Pothos green dragon is of the species Epipremnum aureum. It has a strong position in the pothos family.
The leaves are quite dark green colored and heart-shaped. The leaf color enhances the beauty of this pothos plant.
Which Pothos type is the best?
It is a confusing question that which pothos is best. Well, you have to decide it as your choice.
- If you want colorful variation, you may go for marble queen, golden pothos etc.
- If your choice is of dark green, dragon pothos, Shangri La etc. can be suitable for you.
- You can select a harlequin if you want to keep a rare collection in your garden.
- Otherwise, golden pothos can be available anywhere.
You have to think of your situation, choice and necessity and then go for your lovely ones.
Pothos vs Philodendron
Many of us get confused between the two terms pothos and philodendron. Let’s have a glance at their differences so that you may differ them in any place.
Difference | Pothos | Philodendron |
Leaf texture | Waxy and thick | Smooth and thin |
Leaf shape | More heart-shaped than pothos | More asymmetrical |
Growth | Pothos leaves extend from the current leaf | These leaves extend on a bit of vine in a cataphyll |
Stem | Thicker than philodendron | Comparatively thinner |
Aerial root | One root extends from a node | 2-6 roots can grow in groups. |

Pothos General Care
For better growth of pothos plants, some general caring directions should be followed-
Light: Pothos plants normally require bright light but that should be indirect. Direct sunlight in the afternoon or such time may destroy the various colors of plants.
Watering: Pothos can not survive in too many moist conditions. They need such watering so that the upper surface may dry easily. Water clogging is strictly prohibited for pothos plants.
Fertilizers: pothos doesn’t need more amount of fertilizers. But for better growth, a little amount may be supplied.
Temperature: 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit temperature is suitable for pothos plants.
Pruning: Pruning is not needed for all the plants. But the varie
Final Verdict
Pothos is a family of immense beauty. All the varieties are beautiful at every stage and they are adorable too. You can’t ignore the various sizes and colors of those plants.
The multi-colored foliage parts will not only enhance the beauty of your living room but also eliminate all the mental stress and monotony of your life.
You should collect at least one of the pothos varieties if you are a houseplant lover. This will express your superiority in choosing lovely plants.