10 Rare ZZ plant varieties with pictures & details
Do you want to fulfill your enriched garden with a ZZ plant? A ZZ plant is an expression of beauty, prosperity and strength.
This kind of plant is desirable to everyone. But many of us get confused about the ZZ plant varieties.
Many nurseries also cannot provide the perfect variety that you need.
A perfect ZZ plant can maintain harmony and color contrast with other plants in your garden. Here we will discuss some species that are famous worldwide.
How to identify ZZ plant?
The noteworthy ZZ plant is popular all over the world. Many gardeners search for these rare plants.
To get the perfect idea of the varieties of a ZZ plant, you need to know the common characteristics of a ZZ plant.
Check those below-
- Stem- Stems are normally called rhizomes. These are specially modified to protect the plant in drought conditions.
- Leaf color- Leaves are of different colors like white, dark green, purple, black etc.
- Leaf shape- Margin smooth, the surface is waxy and the leaf is oblong shaped.
- Plant height- The general height is around 3-5 feet. Some varieties are more or less than this range.
- Flower- ZZ plants are normally famous for their foliage. Flowering is rare. Flowering is seen after many years of care.
Though some species don’t bloom in their whole life, a few species like supernova exhibit white-colored flowers.
- Sunlight- Bright indirect light. This term is more important for the variegated ZZ plants.
- Temperature- The 18-30°c temperature is best for the continuity of their life cycle.
- Humidity- Around 40% humidity is best.
- Watering- Watering once or twice a week is enough on summer days and once a month is adequate for winter. But this frequency will vary from variety to variety according to species and weather.
How many ZZ plant types are there?
The Zamioculcas zamiifolia varieties are not as available as the other houseplants. A few species are commercially cultivated.
Around 10-12 species are widely found. Some wild species may remain. But they are not cultivated.
ZZ plant varieties with names and pictures
To bring your cherished ZZ variety, you need to distinguish the characteristics of the varieties.
You may characterize them by their height, leaf color etc. qualities. For your convenience, the below varieties are mentioned in detail-
1. ZZ Akebono
Akebono is a rare variety of ZZ plants. The word “Akebono” means the color that possesses the sky at dawn. It is a Japanese word that is named so because of its leaf color.
Plant type
Akebono is a herbaceous perennial plant species. Plant height is almost 3-4 feet. It is a fast-growing plant.
It can grow even in a hard type. The plant is originated from East Africa.

The stems are normally placed near the ground that is not so enlarged.
But the leaves are fleshy and they can store water that is supplied to the plant when the water source is not enough.
Different colors are seen in the emerging leaves of Akebono of which white, cream, pale yellow etc. are popular.
The color turns green from the different colors. Sometimes the glance of the previous colors is also seen which are not transformed into green.
The leaves are mottled and sometimes creased. They have a smooth leaf surface.
2. ZZ Raven
In the variety list of ZZ plants, “Raven” will be at the top according to many garden lovers.
The most important aspect of this variety is its resemblance to the crow. That’s why it is called blackbird. It is also called the “Jungle warrior”.
Plant type
Raven is a slow-growing plant that may grow around 30 inches. They typically grow over several years.
They don’t need much care. They can resist any hazardous conditions created for them.

They don’t have any woody portions in their stem branches.
The stems are fleshy and succulent. They can grow up to 1cm per day.
The leaves are black-colored. The stems are dark green in their teenage state. But gradually they get the black color at maturity.
Around two months are needed for leaves to turn black from the dark green color.
The leaf surface is smooth. The leaf shape is oblong and each leaf consists of 6-8 leaflets.
OKAY!! Funny thing. Do you know the spiritual meaning of ZZ Plant?
3. ZZ Variegated

Zamioculcas zamiifolia Variegata is an aristocratic variety of ZZ world. Their outlook always has everyone have a look at it.
Plant type
The herbaceous ZZ Variegated has a general height of 2-3 feet. It takes several years to mature.
It can grow anywhere but to save its beautiful color, you need to provide sufficient sunlight.
The stem is identical to the regular ZZ plant. But they need proper availability of water to save color.
The main attraction of a ZZ variegata plant is their leaf color. The bright yellow or golden and white spots bring them a supreme look.
4. Dwarf ZZ

The dwarf ZZ plant is one of the newest members of ZZ plant varieties. It is a great plant to be adjusted with your working table or room corner.
It is also called Zamioculcus zamiifolia ‘zenzi‘
Plant type
The dwarf plants are almost 30-45 inches. Depending upon the weather, the size may vary.
Plants need sunlight to brighten their shape and color.
The stems are tuberous and they are fleshy enough to be said to be succulent.
The leaves are dark green in color. The leaf surface is smooth and waxy.
The leaves are pinnate in shape. Sometimes they are curled. The leaves are shorter and thicker than other species.
5. Zamicro

Zamicro is another miniature variety of the ZZ plant family. This is found near Kenya. It has a compact nature. It can live for many days even in a darker place.
Plant type
It is a little variety that can grow easily for landscapes or bonsai. It is a rare variety of ZZ plants.
They can grow up to 2 feet.
The stems are quite short to be seen. The leaves are arranged in a whorled system on those stems.
The leaves are small, slender and sometimes curly. The foliage color is dark green.
6. ZZ Lucky classic

The lucky classic ZZ plant has some differences from the other ZZ varieties. They are like the elder members of the ZZ family because of their characteristics.
Plant type
The plant is larger than the regular ZZ plant size. It can grow around 4-5 feet.
The stems are also a little different from the others. They consist of strong robust stems.
The leaf color is medium-dark green. The leaves are round, which is not found in other ZZ plants.
The leaves are narrower and larger than other varieties.
7. ZZ Supernova

The ZZ supernova can be mentioned as a sibling of the ZZ raven plant. Both of them originated from Africa.
It can also be called ZZ raven purple-black.
Plant type
This can be grown around 30 inches. As a slow-growing plant, it needs years to get its height to be perfect.
Stems are grown slowly, having a water storage sac inside it.
Leaves are dark purple colored near to black. Sometimes reddish-black strips are also found.
The leaf size is oblong and leaflets are well-arranged to the stems.
8. ZZ Bitkisi

You might have heard of Zamia Bitkisi. This name is derived from the Turkish region which means plant.
Plant type
The bitkisi variety is not so elongated as its height is around 30 inches. It can be adaptable to any place in your room.
Fleshy stems with moderate height and capacity of storing water in their robust cells.
Leaves are normally green colored that turn dark green after their maturity.
9. ZZ Lucky white

ZZ plant lucky white is a variegated type of ZZ plant species. This variety has an extraordinary outlook to create an eye-catchy environment inside the house.
Plant type
The plant height of this variety is larger than the other common varieties. The height range is around 4-6 feet.
These are herbaceous succulent plants.
The stem is elongated and the underground structure of this stem is called a rhizome.
The Color of the lucky classic plant is gentle green with a whitish structure. The shape is rounded and less pointed.
10. ZZ Whipped cream

The loving beauty of a whipped cream ZZ plant is worth mentioning. This is a rare variety that is hardly sold.
But if you have one, you are lucky enough to get it.
Plant type
The plant is of the herbaceous type having a height of around 2.5-3 feet.
It can go through a semi-shade condition. But to ensure its bright beauty properly, you need to provide perfect sunlight.
Stems are helpful for propagation and for saving plants from drought.
The leaf color is white and light green. The leaf shape is identical to the regular ZZ plant.
1. Which is the rarest variety of ZZ plants?
-ZZ Akebono may be the rarest variety of ZZ plants. But because of the rising demand of common people, the production of all the ZZ varieties is increasing.
2. Is the ZZ plant poisonous?
-ZZ plants are not totally poisonous. But because of the presence of calcium oxalate, they cause irritation to the skin and eye.
That’s why people are suggested to wear gloves while dealing with a ZZ plant.
3. What is the easiest way to get ZZ plant varieties?
-Well, the normal ZZ varieties are available at the well-established nurseries.
If you are searching for any rare variety like ZZ Akebono, ZZ supernova, ZZ Adalah etc., you may order online from amazon, etsy etc.
4. Which is the most beautiful variety of ZZ plants?
-It is a critical question. All the varieties are equally gorgeous in their places. So it is a matter of human psychology.
Different varieties will be favorable to different persons. But commonly, the ZZ raven variety has an extra appeal to garden lovers.
5. Which is the most expensive variety of ZZ plants?
-ZZ raven is the most expensive variety nowadays. The supremacy of its appearance enchants all. That’s why it is becoming more available and expensive day by day.
Final thoughts
All the ZZ plant varieties are always adorable for their natural outlook. You can not but collect one if you feel its beauty.
As all the varieties have too many similar characteristics, you may not identify them at a glance.
In that sphere, you will need this article’s details to choose the perfect plant.
Hopefully, you will enjoy these facts about the adorable ZZ plant.
You can also go through the benefits of ZZ plants.