Why are My Golden Pothos Leaves Turning Yellow? – [!Fix Now]
Are you tensed of your golden pothos leaves turning yellow?
Many of the gardeners face such a problem. They love their plants but fail to ensure a 100% perfect environment for their development. That’s why problems like yellowing leaves arise.
Golden pothos or ivy arum, scientifically called Epipremnum aureum is a plant of the aristocratic pothos family. I am bound to mention them as aristocratic because of their supreme variation.
A golden pothos plant exhibits yellow leaves when it faces problems such as overwatering, underwatering, temperature fluctuation, high humidity, low temperature, imperfect light etc. The leaves can become fully yellow or have special characteristics of discoloration. These different types of indications need specific treatments.
The royal look of golden pothos or Ceylon creeper may sometimes be devastated in case of an impoverished situation. If you want to get rid of these, you have to identify the exact problem and have to sort it out.
But HOW??
Simple! Scroll down and pick the problem of your plant judging the similarity of symptoms. The solution is ready for you.
Golden pothos fresh leaves vs yellow leaves
Golden or lemonade strips normally remain on golden pothos leaves. So firstly you have to identify if your plant is in trouble or not by judging the quality of the yellow portion.
Golden leaves exhibit an emerald green color. The gentle green color enhances the peace of mind.
The queen-like appearance comes out because of the presence of those golden strips. The strips may be parallel to the veins of the leaves or scattered.

It may be a little problematic for you to identify the yellowing problem because of the golden pothos nature. But if you pay attention to your plant, it won’t be tough for you.
Try to follow the mentioned steps-
- The normal golden strips are scattered. But if leaves are turning yellow, a huge portion or area will be aggregated with yellow color.
- The normal golden portions are glossy but the affected yellowish part will be pale and flabby.
- A smooth waxy lair is felt when golden pothos leaves are touched. But in invaded leaves, the smoothness is subdued and leaves show fragility.
Types of yellowing
Golden pothos leaves yellowing are of several types. A single type or many of the types can be seen at a time.
Lower leaves yellowing
The leaves present in lower portions of the plant may be yellow by nature. The leaves of that bottom portion are old and become fully yellow.

Yellowing of the whole portion of the leaf
The whole leaf becomes yellow in any portion of the plant. The lower surface of the leaf may possess a darker yellow region than the upper surface.
The young leaves of 2 or 3 days lose their existence.

Yellowing leaves with brown spots
Sometimes dark brown spots are seen on the pale yellow-colored leaves. These spots may be ring-shaped or irregular-shaped. The size of the spots may be both small and large.

Yellowing leaves with brown spots
Mosaic means discoloration of the leaves. The mingled green and yellow colors exhibit a perplexing surface.
The total leaf color is withered. The large yellow droplets ruin leaves’ superiority.

Yellowing leaves with curled and fragile surface
In some cases, with yellowing the leaf shape, surface quality is also wrecked.
Leaves become brittle and drooping off also occurs. This is the extreme portion of an attacked leaf.
Causes of leaf yellowing
You may have found the problems of your plant from the types. Now be aware of the causes and solutions to the problem that you have faced.
Yellowing of the whole portion of the leaf is caused by overwatering. In case of excessive watering, the roots always become clogged in water.
After having the needed amount, extra water will remain in the root zone for days.
Excessive water hinders the root activities and the metabolism system of the plant is at risk. This problem is exhibited through yellowing the color.
A golden pothos plant normally needs watering once a month on summer days and once in two weeks on winter days or the rainy season.
To dry the soil, don’t water excessively.
Yeah! A golden pothos can survive in very drought conditions. But it is also a matter of concern that it will lose its turgidity if you fail to provide proper watering.
Less watering for many days dries the cell materials.

The proper nutrient is not supplied and the leaf can not produce pigments for photosynthesis. As a result, leaves become yellow with fragile margins.
Water your plant when 50% of the soil is dried.
Imperfect light
Bright but indirect light- this is the uttermost need of a golden pothos plant. Golden pothos plants are called devil’s plants as they can survive several days in a dark place.
But if they remain in such a place which is in extreme dark condition for many days, the plant stomata won’t get proper materials for food processing.
As a result, the whole plant system will be disturbed and yellowing of the whole portion of the leaf will occur.
The solution is very simple. Place your golden pothos near the window or such a place where it can get enough light for their survival.
Early morning and late afternoon sunlight is best for such kind of indirect bright light.
Temperature problem
Temperature is a significant requirement of a golden pothos plant. A plants’ health depends greatly on this parameter.
Perfect temperature helps in physiological aspects of plant-like transpiration, photosynthesis, respiration etc
At the same time, excessive temperature is also deleterious. It causes over transpiration.
If underwatering is added to this problem, yellow leaves with curled and fragile surfaces will happen.
A golden pothos plant needs a temperature of 65 degrees to 85 degrees Fahrenheit or 18-30 degrees Celsius.
Temperature below 15 degrees Celsius is detrimental to the plants’ activities.
Try to keep your plant at a temperature that is favorable for its growth which is around the optimum temperature.
High humidity
Humidity means the percentage of water vapor present in the air. Basic humidity should always be maintained.
If the humidity level is too high, the transpiration of the leaves will be lower. As a result, plants won’t keep in harmony with the environment.
Overwatering with higher humidity will lead to the yellowing of the whole leaves portion. The plant may die also.
You may have a humidifier to check out the present humidity level of the environment along with the soil.
If the weather is too moist, try to keep your pothos plant in a comfortable place so that it may get proper humidity for its exo-environment.
Nutrient deficiency
Nutrients are the food of plants. There are differences in essential and beneficial nutrients.
At the same time, macronutrient and micronutrients elements’ activities can not be fully furnished. Yellowing leaves with a fragile surface may be seen.
Liquid fertilizers (E.g.: Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food (Liquid) ) are best in this case as they can be absorbed immediately.
Apart from these solid fertilizers, diluting in the proper ratio in the water can also increase the nutrient level.
Pothos fertilizer, indoor plant fertilizer of aquatic arts etc. can be used for fertilizing as they contain almost every essential nutrient so that you need not be tensed of any specific nutrient material.
Mosaic, yellowing leaves with brown spots– these are the symptoms of diseases of a golden pothos plant caused by viruses and fungi. Sometimes bacteria attacks also happen.
Mosaic is caused by fungi where the leaves become yellow mingled with pale green. Fungi affect the color of pigments or chlorophyll and stop the production and activity of plastids. So the color becomes devastated.
- Remove the leaves or other plant parts that are affected.
- Use virus prohibiting chemicals. But it should not be used until the extreme condition is created.
Fungi create brown spots, damping off, dieback, smut etc. on the leaves. The spots may cover a small or a large region.

- Using industrial fungicide may be its remedy.
- Neem oil recipe (E.g.: Organic Neem Bliss )
- Homemade fungi
– Use 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 gallon of water and spray or gently apply it on the affected parts.
Pest attack
Some common pests of golden pothos plants are aphids, spider mites, mealybugs, scales etc.
They spread on the leaves and suck the cell sap. That’s why the plant lacks nutrients and becomes yellow.
Remove the pests by using liquid soap or removing the affected parts from the plant.
As a scale has a hard exoskeleton, rubbing alcohol is a better solution for them.
Applying neem oil or insecticides may also reduce plant deterioration.
Plant risk
Golden pothos leaves turning yellow not only means the hazard to the leaves but also the whole plant.
When a whole plant is injured internally by any means, the syndromes are shown in the plant.
It means that the roots are rotten and the internal metabolism system is not responding more to the natural processes.
Consequently, the plant is going to fail to complete its life cycle.
Quick solution of golden pothos leaves yellowing
To avoid discoloration of your beautiful pothos plant, follow the instructions-
- Keep your plant in such a place where it can get indirect and bright light.
- Watering should be done once a week or two weeks.
- The temperature should be within 18 to 30 degrees Celsius.
- The humidity level should be around 60%
- Fertilizers are needed to be used once a month in moderate amounts.
- Pest attacks should be controlled by biological activities or by using pesticides.
Final thoughts
The presence of a golden pothos plant will remove your tiredness for the whole day because of its supreme appearance. Your home garden or room decoration seems to be incomplete without golden pothos.
Golden pothos leaves turning yellow hinder this beautiful expression and lacks the elegance of your room.
So have a little concern for your plant. It will provide you with more loveliness. Happy gardening!
1. May yellow leaves turn green again?
-The leaves which are turned into yellow cannot be turned into green again as they lost their pigments already and that can not be sorted out. So it’s better to remove those leaves.
2. Does yellowing leaves lead to death?
-If you fail to sort out the cause of yellowing and neglect the problem, your plant will certainly die.
In case of intense care, you can save your plant. New leaves will come out and it will appear as a fresh plant.
3. Do yellow leaves fall off?
-Over time, all the yellow leaves will fall off when the turgidity loss will be at stake.